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Bring Your Dreams to Life

Goal-Setting Curriculum + Class

$109 now $79!

Most people set themselves up for failure when making goals..

But this mini-course helps set you apart from most people by offering you:

  • A reliable science-backed goal-setting system that helps you feel less overwhelmed and combats procrastination
  • A customized roadmap to your unique vision of success that helps you actually follow through
  • Tangible advice from a trained therapist that helps you dream big, and break down step by step how to bring it into reality

Bring Your Dreams to Life

Goal-Setting Curriculum + Class

Hear From My Student, Mike Clark

"Your health and well-being are worth this investment! You have the ability within you right now to support your personal growth and improve your health...

You have the ability to gain all that you want in abundance. If you don't believe this all to be true, right now, this course will help you find this truth."


Unlock the Same Step-by-Step Process Morgan Uses to Bring Her Dreams to Life

Stuck not knowing where to start on actually accomplishing your goals?

It's not your fault. Without a reliable system, it's really hard to make that dreamy vision in your head a reality. That's why in this mini-course I break down to define, plan, and accomplish your goals (in a tangible way that helps you actually folloow through).

Whether you're trying to level up your wellness routine, move to your bucket list city, or set your business up for success - The goal-setting system I teach you in this course will give you the guidance you need to make it happen.

The steps I walk you through in this curriculum and class are exactly what I've used to grow an audience of 400k+ followers and a 6-figure business from scratch in less than two years.

I can't wait to help you bring your dreams to reality too.


Build a life you are excited to live.

Valued at $250

The Full Price is $109

Get it today for only $79!




  • 25-Page Step-by-Step Curriculum to Build & Accomplish Your Goals ($100 VALUE)
  • 1.5 Hour Class + with Morgan, a Professional Therapist ($150 VALUE)
  • Lifetime access to the curriculum & class (PRICELESS)

Need help? Email support@sevencenterslifeschool.com